It is with great sadness we acknowledge the passing of Dave Warring.
Dave has been an active member of and contributor to the Media Studies community for many years. All of us teaching Media Studies today have been influenced in some way by Dave, and I know that there are many amongst us who worked with him over the years and considered him a friend. Dave fiercely protected his stance on the importance and role of Media Studies as a subject. He was always a strong advocate for the media community, whether in his role as one of the founding members of NAME, his involvement in writing the standards, his work around journalism and radio as an aspect of media teaching, and, in later years, in his role as National Moderator. He pushed hard to get Media Studies recognised as an important subject and its rightful place in the NCEA framework. Many of his colleagues have reflected on their time working with Dave over the last few days, offering their take on the man they remember. What has come through is the repeated affirmation of his passion and commitment to Media Studies education, and his role as a compassionate and supportive colleague. Dave had strong opinions, he was entertaining, driven and enjoyed a good debate. He challenged us to think about what we were doing and why. He reminded us how important it is to be heard, to express viewpoints and to fight for what we believe in. We don’t always have to agree with each other but it is important that we engage in those conversations. Our thoughts are with Dave’s family and friends at this sad time. A big thank you to everyone who completed the NAME survey last term. We are in the process of working through the information - so watch this space!
As mentioned at the end of the survey, as a thank you, there were five Mighty Ape Vouchers up for grabs for those who completed the survey. After a random draw, the lucky winners are:
Congratulations to these very lucky five - a voucher is on its way to you.
You've probably heard about the NCEA Review, with its six "Big Opportunities".
Well, we're putting together a submission on your behalf, and we've created a snazzy little process for you to provide feedback and ensure your voice is heard. Use the button below to get started. We know that our members are busy people, and they don't want this to stand in the way of staying connected with other Media Studies teachers. To help with this, we're trialling a new Teachers' Forum with the aims of improving communication between our members and giving members more control over the number of emails they receive.
Our new Teachers' Forum - quickly accessible at - is easy to use. Simply log in with your Google Account (these are super easy to set up if you don't already have one), become a member of the forum (this just involves us checking you're a current NAME member) and join the discussion. When you join the forum, you can choose what default email settings you'd like. You can choose between receiving all the updates to your email, receiving no emails, and various other email preferences. When you start a new topic, you can also choose whether or not you want to be be subscribed to receive email updates when other members reply to your topic. These options will hep you to stay connected with other Media Educators without receiving absolutely every update from the forum to your email inbox. The forum uses different categories to keep the discussion organised and on-topic. You can filter the discussion using these different categories, or you can simply browse all categories if you wish. There's more information to help you get started using the forum under 'Frequently Asked Questions' on the forum page, but if you have any questions, please get in touch with us. We'd love to receive any feedback about the forum during this trial and you can send your ideas and comments to us using this link. The forum trial will run until the end of Term 4, Week 1 (October 21), at which point we hope to continue with the forum if we can see it's helpful to our community of members.
NAME is committed to providing advocacy, collegial support and professional development to media teachers in New Zealand. In order to be able to do this we need to hear from you!
We really want to know about your current teaching situation; what media standards and topics you cover; what your professional development needs are; what regional events you are currently participating in, and what issues or thoughts you might have about teaching media. We have designed a survey which covers all of these things. We appreciate how busy teachers are so we have tried to keep the survey as concise as possible, but we also recognise this is an important opportunity to get valuable information that could help us make a significant difference to media teachers. The survey will be available until 11:59PM Sunday 31st August (end of Week 6). We are keen to get as many media teachers to complete the survey as possible so if you know of a colleague who might not be on one of the Facebook pages or the listserv , or who might be teaching a media standard in another department, please forward this survey on to them. We would like all media teachers in the country to complete it, regardless of whether they are NAME members or not. As an incentive, all completed surveys go into the draw to win 1 of 5 Mighty Ape vouchers. If you have any questions about the survey please don’t hesitate to contact [email protected] and we can help you out. Thanks again. We are really looking forward to hearing your thoughts about media teaching in NZ. ![]() Kia ora! Recently the new and previous executive members met for a handover and we had a fantastic session. We thought it would be a good idea to give you a bit of a heads up about some of the important things NAME is working on.
Finally I would like to take this opportunity to thank you to the outgoing members of the committee: Jane Hall and Peter Courtney, for the hard work and significant contributions they have made in their roles on the committee. To those new and continuing members of the executive: thank you for your enthusiasm and willingness to be a part of this. You rock! Nga mihi, Louise Thank you to those members that engaged with the recent executive election. We are now pleased to introduce two new members to the executive team.
Click here to read more. The National Executive has placed a Professional Learning Development funding application with the Ministry of Education. This has been accepted and the Executive has in hand a draft contract for a significant amount of money that will be paid to NAME over the next three years to deliver professional development for Media Teachers around New Zealand.
The idea is that we develop a sustainable model that then becomes self-funding. The professional development will be delivered in three ways:
Please make sure that you join NAME, if you haven't already, to make the most of these opportunities. Jude Morgan The NAME National Executive The 2018 NAME Executive Election is upon is and we are now calling for nominations.
If you know someone who would be great on our executive team, or if you would like to contribute yourself, please make sure you get in a nomination. |